Welcoming newcomers can invigorate local economies by introducing new skills, diverse perspectives, and increased consumer spending, ultimately fostering innovation and growth. Embracing these individuals can lead to a more dynamic and resilient community.


Experience the joy of facilitation with Orchard View Coaching & Facilitation, where we specialize in creating workshops that infuse joy into every aspect of the learning journey. From trauma-awareness to improving facilitation techniques, we believe in fostering an environment where joy and growth go hand in hand.

In our trauma-awareness workshops, we embark on a journey of understanding and healing, where participants find joy in the process of creating safe and supportive spaces. Through empathy and sensitivity, we uncover the resilience within each individual and celebrate the moments of connection and healing that arise.

Moreover, our workshops focus on enhancing facilitation technique, style, and pedagogy in a way that sparks joy and creativity. From interactive exercises to playful approaches, we invite facilitators to explore new possibilities and find joy in the art of facilitation.

In working with English language learners, we celebrate the richness of diversity and the joy of cross-cultural exchange. Our workshops provide strategies and resources that promote inclusivity and accessibility, allowing participants to find joy in the shared experience of learning and growth.

At Orchard View Coaching & Facilitation, we believe that finding joy in facilitation is essential for creating meaningful impact. Through personalized coaching and experiential learning, we empower facilitators to tap into their innate joy and passion, leading to more engaging and transformative workshops.

I want to help my client, but I just don’t know how
— English as an Additional Language Teacher
  • Facilitation Skills

    Help your team build skills for participatory and engaging facilitated sessions. Learn how to set learning goals, build rapport with learners, and keep engagement high.

  • Trauma-Informed Practice

    Everyone benefits from trauma-informed practices - whether you work at a law firm, a not for profit organization, or are a university professor. Gain the tools you need to help your clients - and yourself - feel comfortable and safe.

  • Building Welcoming Communities

    Many countries are welcoming record numbers of immigrants and refugees. Is your organization ready and able to support newcomers and English language learners?

  • Workshops Designed for You

    Looking to bring an engaging workshop to your team, but don’t quite know where to start? No problem - let’s set up a call, and come up with a plan to meet your needs.

Past clients include